Our before and after school program serves children who attend local elementary schools.
Children are supervised from their arrival in the morning until their departure for elementary school and when they return in the afternoon until they are picked up by 6:00 p.m. Our goal for this program is to provide a safe atmosphere for relaxation, play time, homework, and enhancement of the school day. In addition, the program encourages independence, cooperation, sharing and fair play. The program is designed to maintain a delicate balance between structured and non-structured time.
The program includes the following elements:
- Outdoor play: large playground as well as a field available for organized games of baseball, touch football, soccer and basketball
- Variety in choices of activities, including manipulative material, table games, arts and crafts
- Quiet time – there is a quiet area designated for homework and/or reading
- Receiving assistance with homework
- Activities which promote cooperation rather than competition
- Activities which promote mixed-age interaction with peer teaching and role modeling
- Real tasks which help develop independence, such as helping with snack, planning a project, or helping to clean up
- Activities which allow for physical and emotional release after a whole day of formal schooling: outdoor activities such as running,
jumping, climbing and other gross motor activities; and artistic recreation such as art, drama and painting as well as reading - Activities which promote appreciation of various cultures, such as celebration of holidays, and sharing foods and books from other cultures
A daily schedule designed to provide a balance between:
- Indoor and outdoor activities
- Quiet and active time
- Individual, small group, and large group participation
- Large muscle and small muscle activity
- Child-initiated activities and teacher organized activities
Our School Age program currently services children from Maclary, Linden Hill, Heritage, Wilson and Newark Charter. Edu-Care provides transportation to and from Maclary, Linden Hill and Heritage. Wilson and Newark Charter will pick-up and drop-off at Edu-Care.
We also offer optional hours when area public schools are closed or dismissed early.